Sunday, August 05, 2007

OTB on Updates, Sorry!

Wow, so a ton has happened since my last post...weekend of racing in Snowmass, weekend of awesome training in Sol Vista/Winter Park, racing in the mud in Telluride, moving (AGAIN) down the street 7 blocks, and more training up at Sol Vista (such a great DH training place!! Thanks Steve, Moga, and TJ!!).

AND....finding out that I made the mountain bike world championships team! I'm going to Scotland in a few weeks to represent the U.S. for the women's elite 4x. I am so excited! This was one of my big goals for this year, and I am very happy to have made the team. I'm even more excited that I will be in such wonderful Colorado company in Europe. Some people that I think the world of will be going as well: Cole Bangert, TJ Sharp, and Lisa Myklak! They'll all be doing DH. Cole was an automatic qualifier because he is the US National Champ. I was so psyched for TJ, too. It was very difficult to make the men's team this year. There are so many very fast guys on the US Circuit right now, and they are only taking 7!! Congrats to TJ for working so hard in the off season and riding so well this summer!

I've got some pics I'll try to get up very soon, but between moving and school, I've been a bit overwhelmed as of late. K, that's all for now...more to come later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

MAJOR CONGRATS on making the US' MTB World Champion Team!!!! MAJOR WHOAH! You know I'll be following that race!
Good luck w/moving.... again!