Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Model of Inefficiency

Okay, so it's cold and windy outside, and I'm in a bad mood. =) hahaha I'm sorry, but since I don't have any fun adventures to write about, I am going to have to bore you all with a little vent session about the people that I work with.

If someone wanted to develop of Model of Inefficiency, our little group here at CU would be it! There are only 7 staff members who work in our group (all women, btw) and we have staff meeting every week. One would think that out of a 40 hour work week (well ranging from 20-40 hours a week for most of the staff to accommodate their children's schedules) the best use of time wouldn't be a 2+ hour staff meeting once a week. I guess I could understand if this was the only time that we saw each other or had meetings during the week, but it's not.

So, just a brief recap of the highlights from our meeting...
Topic: 3 Year Old Peeing on the Floor
Duration: A brief 5 minutes
Our Director's son likes to push her buttons! This is clear and evident to me just from listening to stories about the kid and meeting him on 3 occasions. He is a smart kid. Apparently, his current attention getter is to pee all over the floor whenever he decides it would be funny to!

Topic: How Long Does It Take To Drive To Albuquerque?
Duration: At least 10 minutes
There is a conference that our group should go to next October, in Albuquerque. Someone asked, "Will we drive?" Are you kidding? I was thinking. Then the onslaught of stories about how long it takes to drive there ensued. Everything from 6 hours to 9 was thrown out. Of course we had to hear stories of how it took someone 7 hours to get to Pueblo, blah, blah, blah. The moral of the story and the common thread today is KIDS! I really couldn't believe that we talked about this for as long as we did. I was half tempted to get up and go type it into Google maps just to get people to shut up. Getting up and leaving for no real reason has become a favorite activity of mine during these meetings.

Topic: Listening to My Child Scream at the Top of Her Lungs While Trying to Poop for an Hour
Duration: 10 minutes
The title says it all. Are you effing kidding me? I have learned that my patience level for most things has deteriorated over the past couple of years. I can only hope that while sitting listening to all of this rubbish, my facial expressions don't reflect all of the wonderful things that are going through my head about these people.

BTW, I work for an outreach science education program, not the University Day Care Group. Just thought I would clear that up, in case there was any confusion.

Think warm, spring, no-snow thoughts so I'll actually have fun stories and adventures to write about soon!

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