Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Displaced Rib :(

Upon reading today's title, one might think, hmmm..., I bet Neven crashed riding her bike. Nope. In the morning, I generally do 100 pushups to get my day going, and this morning was no different. I hit pushup #85 and stopped, and that is when the problem arrived! I don't know what happened, but it suddenly felt like I had been stabbed in the back just above my left shoulder blade. I tried some stretches and even finished out the rest of my pushups hoping to "work through it." When things seemed worse after my hot shower, I knew something was wrong. I called my chiropractor and got an appt for this morning. Well, three of my vertebrae were not too happy, and my 3rd rib on the left was out of place. Nice! He got everything put back into place, but the muscles and what not still really hurt! Dumb. I don't have time for stupid crap like this! haha :) So, I guess that means no gate practice for me tonight, as he said light walking was all he'd be happy with for today since the rib could easily pop back out. He didn't say anything about tomorrow, though... :)

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