Monday, December 03, 2007

Random Thoughts for the Day

Random Thoughts:
#1: So, one of my friends is a senior chemical engineering major here at CU, and they got an email from one of their professors the other day that told them that he didn't want them pulling more than 2 "all-nighters" a week to work on their projects! WTF!?!? He's on crack. He then told them that it would be better if they slept for 4 hours or so and then got up and started working again at like 4:00. I told my friend to save the email forever, as a reminder that things will never be as bad as his senior year in ChBE!

#2: It has recently become very apparent to me that it is very easy to sit around waiting for something to happen to you, and I don't mean just any random thing, but something you want to happen. As it turns out, you may be sitting and waiting still until you're old and grey when you can put in 1/2 an ounce of effort and be pleasantly surprised with the outcome! In fact, the outcome might be overwhelming! So, if you've been hoping something will "happen" to you, do a little tiny bit to contribute to it happening, and you might be very surprised!

#3: This is really funny, so if you need a laugh, take a few minutes to watch.

#4: Also, funny...The other day the power went out at my friend Kate's house, and her roommate asked her if she thought her car would still start...uhhhh. I hope she's "slow". :) Also, she asked her (at some point) if in real life stars are really star shaped or if people just draw them that way. Seriously!!

#5: Happy Monday! Make the most of everyday, even the sucky days of the week. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that youtube made me laugh so hard I nearly cried. I needed that!

Makes me realize I survived my childhood relatively unscathed.