Thursday, February 23, 2006

Rough Day. Glad It's Over.

Warning: Not a happy post.

Today was a really rough day for me. 1 year ago today, I lost my sweet kitty, Einstein, to cancer. He got sick really suddenly, and I wasn't prepared for it at all. He was my little buddy that took several road trips and made many moves with me in his 6 short years. He was always there for me no matter how bummed out I was. Since depression often leads to excessive sleeping, I think he was actually an advocate for the bad times! Not really, he just really liked to cuddle with me in bed. Since he didn't really "like" anyone else very much, not many people understand just how much he meant to me. I really miss him.

I miss you!

The BEST Kitty ever!

Good night.

1 comment:

joanna said...

i miss the little bugger too. mmm sorry