Sunday, January 21, 2007

Ab Workout Reduction Plan

So, I think the best thing about my new house is having Kevin as my roommate. I can definitely reduce the number of ab workouts that I have to do in a week due to all of the crazy laughing fits that we seem to be able to get ourselves into! (Some of you may only know Kevin as a hater, but he is also a freakin funny guy, too!)

Tonight we were both sitting at the kitchen table working on crap (it's the only place in the house we can steal the neighbors wireless from). Kevin (dressed all in black with his sweatshirt hood up) was walking back to the table and freaked out like he had legitimately seen someone in the backyard. He quickly realized that he had seen his own reflection in the window and then felt really silly! We had a good 5 minute laughing session just about that one! Later he reminded me that he is an only child and easily amused by things of this sort!! haha, thanks Kevin, for all the good laughs!

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