Monday, January 29, 2007

Strange Sickness

So, I started not feeling so hot yesterday evening, and by the time that I went to bed, my mid back was hurting really bad. It also hurt right between the bottom of my ribs in the front. Every time I would sit up or stand up, I would feel nauseous, too. I only got about 3 or so hours of very restless sleep and ended up staying home from school today to try to feel better. Needless to say, all I did all day was lay in bed. It really hurt to lay on my side or stomach, so I was reserved to trying to sleep just on my back. I still haven't eaten anything since we had Chipotle yesterday after the BMX race. Every time I try to eat, I almost hurl. I'm sure that's not helping my energy level at all. Ughhh. I really hope I feel better and can eat something when I get up tomorrow!

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