Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Bike House Party Semester Kick Off

Most of these shady characters were in attendance...including John, The Scorpion King!

There is a famous, well maybe infamous, house here in Boulder that has been home to countless (well over 25, I'm sure) different names in the Boulder cycling scene. I think there has been as many as 8, maybe just 7, different people living there at any given time over the past couple of years. The house has a bomb shelter that has even been home to a couple of really poor bastards needing a halfway house for a month or two.

Anyway, they usually have a few parties throughout the course of a semester, and they got things off on the right foot last night! A keg of Dales Pale Ale, two grills with brats, burgers, Phil's fantastic King Salmon that he caught with his own teeth (well that's the story that Kiel is telling anyway), and a great group of people who LOVE to laugh and have a good time! I'm glad I decided to stop by on my way home from school. As usual, they did not disappoint! The night was finished off with me and James "racing" home. As it turns out, it is a little far to sprint the whole way, and the race wasn't so fair as James was rolling on big knobby tires!!

It's gonna be a good semester! :)

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