Friday, July 10, 2009

The Label Goes on the Outside!

You know, sometimes I try and multitask when I really need to focus my attention. One would think that after many, many years of getting dressed in the morning, you might be able to, at least mentally, multitask whilst putting clothes on. Turns out, I can't. At least once a week, I manage to put my underwear, pants, panties, knickers, whatever the hell you want to call them, on inside out. At least I have a giggle to myself every time I realize that I've done it again. Ah, well, that's probably too much information for most of you, but sometimes you've just got to share those little pieces of personal comedy. :)

1 comment:

Hunka Munca said...

Has anyone told you that you are special today? I love you... just for you....Dear, you better hurry...the short bus is here. :)