Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Last Saturday night my friend Phil talks me into going to do some DH shuttles with them on Sunday. There is a spot that Steve Wentz and Matt Fisher spent a lot of time shoveling off the trail so there would be somewhere to ride in our snow covered state. I had never been there before, but I really wanted to get back on my DH bike. Well, we'll just say, there were a lot of cobwebs that have crept into my riding skills since collegiate nationals (the last time I got to ride my bike). It is one of the steepest places I have ever ridden as well. It was a lot of fun, but I beat myself up pretty good, including landing right on a nice cactus with my left ass check. Mmmm, that was nice, and still is since I can't get at least 15 of the thistles out. I even tried soaking in a bath last night. No luck! Oh well, it was worth it. It was great to be out riding even if I did have to stay at school until midnight as a result!

Oh ya, and my camera started working, but someone how I managed to lose my purse and it had my camera in it... :(

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