Thursday, July 24, 2008


Buhly and I made it up to MSA courtesy of her speedy pick up and driving at the Burlington airport. It was pretty funny, at one point she pointed out how fast she was going, and I said, "But you're going 10 under the limit"...Duh, we were in Canada and the speed limit is 100 km/hr, so by going 90 mph, she was actually going almost 40 km/hr over the limit here. haha

Quebec is a lovely place with lots of rivers and waterfalls. Unfortunately it's PISSING rain here which clearly makes everything nice and green, but it makes for crappy bike riding. The 4x track, besides not being done yet, is a disaster...SO muddy! Our practice might get cancelled today in an attempt to salvage the track for a bit longer. I'll post some pics a little later. The track is totally different from last year with lots of rocks and some HUGE jumps at the bottom. It should be fun, not matter what, but if it keeps raining, it'll be a shit show for sure!

The Start of 4X

The Gnar Rollers that are Soupy in the Middle

These Don't Look Nearly As Big as the Really Are!

I'm off to find Joanna, as the rumor is that she broke her arm and looks like she got in a fight. Apparently she crashed while riding on Tuesday. Boooooooooooo!!!! Mid season is no time to get hurt on a training ride. Send her speedy healing thoughts!

Jo Jo's Broken Wrist :(

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