Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Head is Reeling

I'll try to get an update on Sea Otter and the events of the weekend up sometime pretty soon. I am pretty much running around like a chicken with my head cut off at school right now. My prelim paper is due next Thursday, and I still have to get 90% of the data to put into it. Nice!

Quick Sea Otter run down: Caroline did awesome, 10th in Slalom and 11th in DH in her first Pro race, Phil killed Semi-pro Slalom: 3rd, and I pretty much sucked it up. No, I guess it was just Slalom that I really sucked at, DH was okay considering I never felt super comfy DHing on the XC bike. It felt a little squirrley and awkward to jump. The squirrelly bit might have been helped out by the fact that my shock bolts all but fell out during my DH run. They were still in there but just barely. :) To my credit...I did check all of the bolts, pieces, and parts that I put on and put together, as I don't trust myself to do it right. I guess I shouldn't trust other people to do it right, either. One of these days I'll learn, I swear!!

Once I don't feel like I'm drowning in school work, I'll give a proper update on the Otter, including and explanation on why Caroline is now spelled F-H-I-L.

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