Monday, June 09, 2008

Keeping Up

So, I'm sure most of you aren't dying to know how everyone in Europe, or at a race here in the States that you're not at is doing, but I usually am. :) Mostly because I hate not being there, and I usually have some good friends racing. Anyway, there are several good websites getting some good coverage going these days, including live coverage of the World Cups! Here's a few websites that top my list of ones to check for up to date race coverage. Let me know if you know of others or better ones. I always need more procrastination tools! ;) Back to school work...

Pinned MTB Magazine (JDD does an awesome job of keeping us all updated!)
Canadian Cyclist (the Canadians are on it with equal coverage for men and women!)
Freeride Foundation (this is only info on what the ladies are doing, sorry boys)
Litter Mag
Decline Magazine
Jill Kintner (Jill's usually on the ball, although, she's only doing BMX this year)
Anneke Beerten (Anneke is quick, she barely is done racing before there's an update!)
Transcend (Fraser's a usually a little OTB, but sometimes has some good stuff, too)

That's a pretty good sampling of places other than and velonews to get gravity info from. Happy procrastinating! :)

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