Monday, April 17, 2006

I Love Colorado!

I pull up to the parking lot to go on an XC ride this morning and there is nobody else there! I LOVE it! My fitness has taken a turn for the worse as a result of the Sea Otter "weekend" and last week's work/school insanity, so I passed up a DJing with Lisa this morning to get a good XC ride in, and man am I ever glad that I did. I got my bike ready to go and rolled out. Springtime in Colorado is amazing. It was already 60ยบ at 8:00 in the morning and the pine trees smelled amazing. I took off down the trail, concentrating on pumping the backsides of rollers and out of the berms. Before I knew it, the rolling twisting descent had ended and it was time to start the climb. It's funny what you notice when you're descending at a fast rate and what you notice when you're climbing (slowly, in my case!) Every once in awhile there would be the most delicate, perfect purple flower just starting to bloom on the side of the trail. Beautiful. I love flowers. I'm sure the other part of the trail had them, too, I just didn't notice until I slowed down enough to see them. Funny how that's sort of how life works sometimes, too! Sometimes I have to consciencely pay attention to see if I'm missing things because I'm going too fast to pay attention.

I hope that you get to enjoy this beautiful spring day, wherever you are today!


Anonymous said...

You know what? I loves me some Colorado TOO! And to think... I did nothing but sit on my ass all day yesterday, and I could have been XC riding with you... if only I'd known. But hear me now, I'm gonna try and meet the Yeti crew and the factory tomorrow about 11:30 for an XC ride with Ross. Because that's how I roll.

Neven said...

Lucky!! I'd like to get ahold of one of those FINE Yeti XC bikes and go for a spin. They're sure purrrrty and I bet they ride really nice, too! I hope you two enjoy yourselves!!

Anonymous said...

YOu really should call me when you go on one of those 'XC' rides...a certain someone eventually needs to get her ass into shape.


Neven said...

Eszter---Will DO!!